Hi There!
We’ve made it to Thursday and I hope this means we’ve all gotten in some good activity for the week so far 😊
Workouts aside, I hope you are doing well (since you know we care about more than just your big muscles.)
So—onto why I’m bombarding your inbox on this lovely day.
There are a million and one tiny little details that comprise a well-rounded and goal-oriented fitness program—one that will ultimately allow you to achieve your best health.
In a world that’s completely saturated with FREE exercise tips, programs, ANYTHING at your fingertips—why aren’t more people running around completely happy and satisfied with their fitness level, chiseled physiques, etc.? Great question.
This is exactly the impetus for my new offering I’d like to share with you.
Free trial, cancel anytime.
For my current clients, there is only so much we can cover together in our ~1-3 hours per week or our online program check-ins. This new platform will serve to bridge the gap between our sessions.
For my workout pros, there is likely something you are missing without an opportunity for personalized instruction or a way to sort through all the free workout content you may be utilizing. This platform will aim to give you the “aha” moments that will make crucial differences in how you execute your exercises.
And, last but not least, for my workout novices or those who may dabble, there are certain exercise fundamentals that EVERY person should have an understanding of. Even if you are not yet in a full workout routine, there are great adjustments you can make in your day-to-day and this platform will seek to help you with just that.
How will we accomplish all of this and what do you get?
For a monthly subscription:
• 3 instructional exercise/fitness videos (1 released in each of the first 3 weeks every month)
• Monthly online private consults (scheduled for the 4th week each month)
o a chance for you to ask me anything pertaining to content that's been shared, questions on proper exercise form, or to discuss generally anything you'd like help with in your current fitness pursuits
Let’s take away the fitness guessing game and/or open ourselves up to the possibility that even if we deem ourselves to be the subject-matter experts on exercise, we can always learn more.
Head over here to sign up!
My hope for this page is that we will all continue to learn, grow, and best support each other in pursuit of health, sport, and our best possible lifestyles.
Thanks so much for sticking with me through this email and I can’t wait to see your shining faces online.