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An Inclusive Wellness Community

A Cleansing Ritual For Manifesting Your Dreams

TRILUNA Published on October 07, 2022

This is an excerpt from our “Everyday Magick” Workbook. You can shop the full collection including a physical copy or digital download of the workbook here. A lot of love and energy went into making this collection so please support where you can!








One of our mentors, in the long-ago world of pre-pandemic, said during an herbalism workshop, “the knowledge keepers are being called.” And it moved us. It got inside of us and moved things around, shifted our understanding of the world around us, and our place in that world. What she meant was that much of the old knowledge (specifically of herbalism in this case, but also of magic, community, and kindness) has been lost. And now the knowledge keepers, the light seekers, and magic makers are being called to attention. We’re being asked to pick up the mantel and carry this knowledge into the future. “But what does this have to do with manifestation?” You might ask. The answer: everything.

What it means is that we have the ability to create new rituals, new magic, and also to rediscover what’s been lost, and uncover what has been buried. There is a lot of negative energy moving around in the world right now. And it’s heavy. It sticks to your bones and pulls you down. We believe that negative energy isn’t necessarily bad. The philosophies of our company are anti-diet culture and anti-racist. This ritual isn’t designed to pacify the energies that motivate you to create change or to ignore the shadow side of your work. It’s designed to help you create space. It is designed to help you clear away what isn’t serving you so you can focus on what’s ahead and work towards creating (i.e. manifesting) a life you love.

There are many ways to perform rituals. The form you chose to take is entirely up to you. This is one of our favorites. Put your own spin on it. Make room for growth.







1. Before you begin, write down on a piece of paper what dreams or goals you have for your space. What do you want to bring or invite into it?

2. Light your candle, and from that your incense, and trace the lines of your room moving up and down the lines of the walls and up and over each of the doorways. Trace every corner of the room as if you are creating an invisible seal.

3. Put your incense down in something like an ashtray, on the side of your candle, in an incense burner (*note: please do not burn your house doing this, we don’t need THAT MUCH clearing).

4. Close your eyes or stare into the flame of the candle and try to slow the mind. Take three deep breaths, breathing into the belly, taking in as much air as you can, and releasing it. Imagine bringing in all that you desire for your space, filling it until it pushes out what you no longer desire. Imagine it as a cloud of smoke rising out from inside your body and up into the air, filling the room with a calming, delicious smell and soothing energy.

5. Then take your piece of paper and reread it. Read it three or four times. Take a few deep breaths and spend a few minutes visualizing what your life will look like once what’s on that paper comes to life. When you’re done put it somewhere where you will see it often and repeat this ritual as often as you’d like.


You did it! And now you know how you can be a knowledge keeper, light seeker, magic maker yourself. We don’t claim that rituals like this will solve your problems. But it will give you some perspective and some space. It will help you see the negative impact that energy has had in and on your body and it will give you permission to process it.

A note: It’s so very important when you’re doing a ritual or using sacred plants to pay homage to the culture it came from. Please don’t use wildcrafted white sage. Be aware of how your palo santo is harvested. If you already have it, use it, but show gratitude for the tree or plant it came from and the Indigenous peoples that created that ritual for you.

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