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Alison K Retreats and Coaching

Alison Katschkowsky
Raleigh, NC, USA

I have been in health and fitness most of my life--I was a competitive athlete growing up and thought I'd want to go to physical therapy school--but after several attempts of being waitlisted and a lot of soul searching, I was advised to consider graduate work in a related field--and I found my home. My top choice of a PT school had a nationally ranked exercise science and health education program, and I was accepted right away--and knew once I began, I had found my path. It's a story I like to say is 'my plan B that turned into a plan A.'

I went to work in corporate fitness and in the gym industry--and after a few years decided to go out on my own. I had only $1000 in the bank and a clean credit card, but I knew I had to give it a go--I told myself if I made it a year, I'd never go back. That was nearly 25 years ago. I knew I had a unique gift for helping others and a different way of helping them reach their goals. My business has changed over the years--after four moves and multiple pivots and redesigns, I have the health and fitness business doing all the things I love.

I have a unique way of working with clients--we get clear on a vision plan, a mindset plan that aligns with it, and then we design a 'compass path' that leads them to their future self--and the life that goes with it. Fitness and self-care are more than just the daily action steps--it's the small things that we must practice daily to help us reach our potential and, ultimately--the life we want to live.

Life is more meaningful when we feel good, have energy, look after our bodies and our minds, and engage in activities that feed our souls. What motivates me daily? That every soul on this planet has been put here for a purpose--and we have all of what we need within us--if we trust that we can access it. That's where I come in--I help you believe you can access and do all of what is your potential and purpose--I show you ALL of what is possible so you can live your best life. Life is short--and for as much that is out of our control--we can decide every day how we want to live.

I own CU Fitness, which is a health and fitness business--I am an innovative expert and focus on a unique combination of fitness, self-care, and mindset. My zone of genius is helping you believe you can do all of what you desire--showing you what's possible, so you can live your best life. We help many groups--the majority of our clients are over 50 and entering the second half of their lives. I am put on this earth to inspire you to live your best life--helping you realize that all of what you desire is within your reach. I am a straight shooter--and do things differently. I offer private coaching and group classes, design amazing, mind-blowing destination retreats in fantastic locations around the world, and have a podcast. Every day my belief is that I embody all of what is possible--exactly what I teach--in my life.

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