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Franchise Prep Academy

The best remedy for fear is to gain knowledge.

Stacey Marmolejo
Stacey MarmolejoPublished on July 13, 2022

Hi! I'm Stacey.

I'm the creator of Franchise Prep Academy.

If you've ever wondered if franchise ownership may be the next career for you but don't really know much about the franchise industry, you're in the right place.

I'm going to teach you what it took me 15+ years to learn.

Why? Because Dr. Debasish Mridha, an American physician, philosopher, and author tells us that the best remedy for fear is to gain knowledge. My guess is you're here because you'd like to own your own business. What's holding you back? You may call it "fear." I call it "lack of knowledge." If I can teach you everything I learned, you'll have nothing to fear and you'll be in the perfect position to decide if you want a franchise, if you want to start a business from scratch or if you prefer to be an employee.

No matter what your outcome, the good news is you'll be making your decision based on facts and not emotion.

When you participate in any Franchise Prep Academy course, class or workshop you'll get the straight truth.

You'll learn the good, the bad and the ugly. Let's be real; every career opportunity has a mix of all three. The question is, "Is the good worth the bad and ugly?" Knowing what the cons are as well as the pros will put you in a better place to evaluate an opportunity before you jump in.

I didn't have that benefit before buying my franchise. Even though I was very successful, I had a rough patch too. I'll share that story with you.

But before we get there, here's a bit about me.

I come from a very long line of military service members. A VERY LONG LINE. (That's me on the left when my Dad retired after 23 years in the U.S. Air Force.)

I can trace my lineage back to when my great-great-great Grandfather served in the Revolutionary war! All told, nine generations of my family have served a cumulative 172 years in the United States military, including my father. And I'm proud to say Generation 10 has accepted an appointment to the Naval Academy, beginning this Fall.

My older brother enlisted and my parents wanted me to go to Officer Candidate School. But at 22 when I finished college, I was too rebellious. I knew I couldn't make it with the discipline required to be successful in the military.

I really wanted to be an entrepreneur.

I didn't know any entrepreneurs. I didn't know anything about owning your own business. There weren't courses, let alone degrees, in entrepreneurship back then.

Instead, I got a corporate job and worked my way up. After 25 years of climbing the corporate ladder, I gave up a prestigious Senior Vice President position in a national media company to purchase a start-up franchise. I loved my job. I loved the people I worked with. I was very well compensated. But I still had that entrepreneurial itch. I was 45 years old and knew I had to try.

I did it the WRONG way. I think most people do it the wrong way. I'll tell you about that too. Fortunately it all worked out.

16 years later I successfully sold my franchise and now I spend my time helping others who want to pursue a career in franchising with a focus on success and lifelong happiness. 

Because of my unwavering support of and strong ties to the military, I've created one group to help military veterans/spouses explore franchise ownership as their path to purpose, financial wealth and happiness in civilian life so they can serve their community with the same pride and skills they used while serving our country. 

There are also many people in the same spot I was in 17 years ago; wanting to leave a Corporate job and own your own business.

There's a Masterclass Community for each. Join the one that's right for you!

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