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Pujats Wellness

Quick Release For The Most Common Trigger Points

Pauls Pujats
Pauls PujatsPublished on July 26, 2022

Whether you work at a computer, laptop or a smart device for the most part of your day, go on a long hike, walk a lot, run a lot, sit a lot, workout, or... pretty much do anything, you will always develop more or fewer trigger points. That's just how our bodies (our muscle) work, no way around it.

No matter the cause, all trigger points affect our functionality and wellbeing on different levels. E.g. trigger points in your neck muscles will cause headaches, migraines, blurry vision and contribute to other trigger points in your body, trigger points in your quads will make your knees hurt and crack, trigger points in your glutes will trigger lower back pain... The list goes on.

This article features some of the most common trigger points and the release techniques that you can do pretty much anywhere whenever you feel (or don't feel) like it. Doing these releases is beneficial for anyone so save these and share with everyone who needs to try them.

Note that this is a general advise so if you want to address more specific or additional issues and would like a personalized class, book a live online class with Pauls, or, if you're in Seattle, an in-person class!

Neck Release

Do these neck release exercises when you suffer from headaches, migraines, blurred vision, ringing in ears, brain-fog and for some even vertigo.

Trigger points in the neck muscles are commonly caused by too much sitting and screen time, as well as improper posture which all results in the well known 'IT neck', which, in turn, contributes to trigger points in upper back.

There are many more possible trigger points and more advanced release techniques that can effectively alleviate the discomfort you might be facing. You can address your specific symptoms and issues with Pauls by booking a session with him!

Upper Back

These release exercises are great whenever you feel nagging, shooting and burning pain in the back, have a hunched back, suffer from chest pain, and even trouble breathing.

Trigger points between the shoulder blades are extremely common. In fact, we haven't met a person, who wouldn't carry some degree of tightness and pain in this area. This is mainly because most people carry and store emotional and physical stress in their shoulders, shrinking them up and causing the muscle around shoulder blades and shoulders to overwork. Just like all other trigger points, these, too, contribute to consecutive trigger points in other parts of the body.

A reminder that there are many more possible trigger points and more advanced release techniques that can effectively alleviate the discomfort you might be facing. You can address your specific symptoms and issues with Pauls by booking a session with him!

Lower Back

Lower back pain is the number one reason why people usually want to try trigger point therapy and they always find it extremely helpful and effective. Trigger points in the lower back and the ones linked to the lower back pain are commonly caused by sitting for extended periods of time (e.g. when working at a sedentary job, traveling, watching TV in a deep and soft couch), and lack of core muscle stability and strength.

There are many more possible trigger points beside the ones shown in the video, as well as more advanced release techniques that can effectively alleviate the discomfort and pain. You can address your specific symptoms and issues with Pauls by booking a session with him and he will make sure to get to the root of the cause.


These knee pain relieving exercises are simple enough to do pretty much anywhere with little to no equipment.

The most common cause of knee pain is tightness and trigger points in your quad and hip muscles. There are many cases when doctors diagnose patients for arthritis, but really the trigger points simply imitate the symptoms of arthritis, and the cracking and hurting joints can be 'fixed' by getting rid of the trigger points. True, with time your bones and your cartilage will degrade, but the tight muscles contribute to the problem by putting extra pressure on the joints.

This is the number one reason why all Pauls' classes greatly compliment each other because not only it's important to massage your muscles and get rid of the trigger points, but also stretch and strengthen them.


These effective yet super simple releases are great (and we could argue that even necessary) after hikes, runs, and long walks that can be done literally anywhere and any time - while working, riding a bus, waiting for your order in a restaurant or a bar. You name it.

There are many more calf release techniques that require some basic equipment, and are even more effective. So if you suffer from tight calfs, stiffness behind knees, ankle, feet and achilles pain (to name a few), you need more advanced releases along with stretching and exercises. Book a session with Pauls and he'll gladly teach you how to do it!

We hope these exercises helped!

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Stay happy and healthy!

The Pujats Team

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