Chronic pain sufferers don’t need to suffer anymore. When you’re tired of taking prescription drugs or using heat and ice packs, it’s time to use a natural and powerful remedy for pain relief. Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been around for more than two millennia.
Despite its long history, acupuncture is still in competition with Western medicine and undergoing extensive research to pinpoint all of the conditions it can effectively treat. Acupuncture currently treats a wide variety of disorders, and can provide levels of relief from everyday ailments, including headaches to the common cold to IVF support.
We will cover the basics of acupuncture and what to expect after a typical acupuncture treatment, so you can better prepare.
A Summary of Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture is where a trained professional inserts 10-40 fine needles into specific acupuncture points mapped out on the body. Each needle is inserted to stimulate the autonomic nervous system that releases chemicals, the body’s natural painkillers, thereby speeding up the healing process.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s believed that the body experiences blockages in its flow of energy, which is called Qi. Acupuncture needles are used to unblock the energy and restore the body’s harmony.
It’s an alternative medicine many people use because it’s a natural practice.
What Are Acupuncture Points? Do Acupuncture Needles Hurt?
Acupuncture utilizes incredibly very thin needles, and they’re inserted to a certain depth within the skin that does not cause pain. Patients usually feel a tingling, slight discomfort, or nothing at all.
The acupuncture points are connected by strings called meridians, and they were identified long ago. Each meridian has a varying number of points where needles can be inserted for stimulation:
- Lung Meridian: It runs from the thumb to the shoulder. It has 11 points.
- Large Intestine Meridian: It runs from the index finger to the shoulder and up to the nasal passages. It has 20 points.
- Stomach Meridian: It runs from the second toe up to the neck and splits. The meridian goes up to both eyes and along the jawline to the sides of the head. It has 45 points.
- Spleen Meridian: It runs from the large toe along the inside leg and up to the pectoral region, deviating to just under the arm. It has 21 points.
- Heart Meridian: It runs from the pinky along the inner part of the arm, stopping at the armpit. It has 9 points.
- Small Intestine Meridian: It starts from the index finger, runs to the shoulder, and then zigzags through the neck, ending in front of the ear. It has 19 points.
- Urinary Bladder Meridian: It departs from the last toe to the heel and runs up the back legs and gluteal region, continuing through the back, neck, and over the top of the head to the bridge of the nose. It has 67 points.
- Kidney Meridian: It starts from the middle of the foot and runs up the leg along the middle of the stomach, stopping at the clavicle. It has 27 points.
- Pericardium Meridian: It runs from the middle finger to the pectoral region. It has 9 points.
- San Jiao Meridian: It runs from the ring finger to the back of the neck, along the back of the ear and stops between the eye and eyebrow. It has 23 points.
- Gall Bladder Meridian: From the fourth toe, it runs up the leg to the gluteal region and zig zags between the lower back and sternum. It passes by the back of the neck and flows through the top and side of the head where it ends outside of the eye. It has 44 points.
- Liver Meridian: Starting at the large toe, it flows up the leg to ribs, stopping just under the pectoral region. It has 14 points.
Thinking about acupuncture in Calgary? Dr. Yan is happy to answer all of your questions!
How Should I Feel after an Acupuncture Treatment?
After your treatment, the acupuncturist will assist you with getting up from the acupuncture table. They will allow you to rest to avoid potential post-acupuncture lightheadedness.
It’s natural to have some side effects from acupuncture, such as sore muscles, fatigue, and minimal bruising at the needle site in rare cases. Some people may experience involuntary muscle twitching, but this is momentary.
These effects indicate that the acupuncture is working, and your body is healing. Soreness from acupuncture typically dissipates between 2 hours or half day and any bruising is brief. The procedures are painless for the most part, and any discomfort is temporary. The benefit of the overall positive effects is monumental.
Each individual will have different experiences. They may feel the aftereffects right away, that evening, or after a few days. You can expect to have improved sleep, mental clarity, increased energy, and less stress.
Book an Acupuncture Session Today!
Acupuncture works for neck pain, knee pain, lower back pain, and hundreds of other conditions. If nothing has worked for you thus far, it’s worth having an acupuncture treatment or at least speaking with an experienced acupuncturist.
Dr. Yan will review your medical history, listen to your needs and health goals, and design an acupuncture treatment that’s right for you. Book an acupuncture appointment today!