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Mindwise Counselling and Education

Rolynda Simpson
Kamloops, BC, Canada

I believe that everyone has a desire to live their best life, yet sometimes life challenges arise and leave us feeling uncertain about how to move forward to help ourselves or our family. It could be a difficult event, a painful relationship or a past experience; sometimes we feel stuck in our feelings which prevents us from processing, integrating, and moving forward. In my experience, people change when they connect to the right resources and can reconnect to their inner guide and intuition. Together we will explore what may be holding you back and identify steps to support your health and wellness.

Relationships are everywhere. We are interconnected. It is your birthright to have a relationship with your Self and with others. Whether it’s the past, racing thoughts, big emotions, or patterns that are keeping you stuck, I want you to know these things aren’t happening because there is something wrong with you. They are happening because everything is right with you. Science backs this up.

What if there was a way to stop all of it? Struggling with your mind, emotions, and body each day can feel so endless and heavy... and life is just too short for that. You can heal, feel grounded, and overcome the battles with your mind & body. You can be in charge of your life and feel capable and confident. You can have fulfilling relationships, starting first with the relationship with your Self. You can walk through your life feeling strong, empowered, and invigorated.

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