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Maximize Value Consulting

Chase Kreger
Covington, KY, USA

While earning my MBA in 2012, I became obsessed with sales and leadership. Armed with a dream to help millions of people and supercharged with enough energy to fuel a rocket ship to the moon, I was determined to use my expertise to help leaders lead and sellers sell.

But, like every story, there was a roadblock, and I found myself disappointed by the industry. Useless certifications, geographical limitations, expensive solutions, the experts weren’t really experts, most of the content was google-able, and the facilitators didn’t know how to facilitate. This list could go on and on.

I realized the best way to overcome all of these gaps was to go out and build a company myself that wasn’t trapped by all of these unnecessary limitations. So that’s what we did. In 2016, with the full support of Suzanne (my wife), I launched Maximize Value Consulting. Over the years, we’ve adapted to market demands, we’ve grown to meet our client requests, we’ve disrupted the industry continuums, and we have been able to transform the lives of thousands of leaders and sales professionals all over the world.

The staying motivated part is easy! Today, Suzanne and I have four little kids who bring us tremendous joy. I’m confident they will take over the company one day and will carry it to places I never could. I hope they keep me around as their unpaid assistant so I can witness it all first-hand.

At Maximize Value Consulting, we are the best at two things:

  1. We help your leaders lead better.
  2. We help your sales professionals sell more.

Every team needs an infusion of insight, an injection of inspiration, and a continuous shot of motivation. At Maximize Value, we deliver all three to help keep your leadership teams and sales teams in a position to win.

How do we do those three things better than anyone?

Insight: This is the 21st century; let’s stop the guessing game. To be more precise with how we support your team, we use our digital, proprietary assessments to analyze your team’s proficiency; then, we build a plan completely customized to the growing needs of your team.

Inspiration: Our trainers are dynamic, the training is transformational, and facilitation is packed with real-world exercises to help you learn. Lecture? Far from it. Traditional training? Not at all. Engaging? Absolutely! Thought-provoking? You better believe it.

Motivation: Our digital training platform offers over 500 videos, articles, e-books, white papers, and infographics so you and your team can learn anytime, anywhere.

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