Live Your Way Thin
As weight-loss experts go, Stavros Mastrogiannis is unusual.
How many weight-loss experts graduated from The Culinary Institute of America? How many of them grew up on a beautiful Greek Island where people were naturally thin and healthy and lived productive lives well into their 90s?
The answer is just one: Stavros Mastrogiannis.
Yet Stavros’ nearly 30-year career in weight loss and fitness was not something he planned on. He came to those fields only when he discovered that few experts were capable of helping ordinary people like him, typical folks who did not like to exercise and did not want to give up junk food but still yearned to be healthier. Stavros developed the plan he wished had been shared with him and is based on the five ancient habits the people on his birthplace island practiced. He calls it the Live Your Way Thin System, which is also the name of his personal training and coaching facility in Danbury, Connecticut.
Stavros wrote Fat No More and two other books on weight loss. He held two ACE (American Council on Exercise) certifications for 20 years and has organized many fitness and weight-loss events including the 2004 Danbury Weight Loss Challenge and partnered with St. Jude Children’s Hospital for the Get in Shape for 2007 Challenge.
As weight-loss experts go, Stavros Mastrogiannis is unusual.
How many weight-loss experts graduated from The Culinary Institute of America? How many of them grew up on a beautiful Greek Island where people were naturally thin and healthy and lived productive lives well into their 90s?
The answer is just one: Stavros Mastrogiannis.
Yet Stavros’ nearly 30-year career in weight loss and fitness was not something he planned on. He came to those fields only when he discovered that few experts were capable of helping ordinary people like him, typical folks who did not like to exercise and did not want to give up junk food but still yearned to be healthier. Stavros developed the plan he wished had been shared with him and is based on the five ancient habits the people on his birthplace island practiced. He calls it the Live Your Way Thin System, which is also the name of his personal training and coaching facility in Danbury, Connecticut.
Stavros wrote Fat No More and two other books on weight loss. He held two ACE (American Council on Exercise) certifications for 20 years and has organized many fitness and weight-loss events including the 2004 Danbury Weight Loss Challenge and partnered with St. Jude Children’s Hospital for the Get in Shape for 2007 Challenge.
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