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Perpetual Motion

Membership to Perpetual Motion is Live!

Julia Bray
Julia BrayPublished on October 04, 2021

Hi everyone :)

i have exciting & far out news for ya:

membership to Perpetual Motion, a space for cosmic movement classes, personalized astro wisdom & community magic is now live!

Sign up today and you'll immediately be enrolled in a 15 day free trial with access to the next Cosmic Movement class on Sunday October 17th at 4 pm PST/ 7 pm EST for free! By becoming a member you support me in the ongoing development of my creative, cosmic, and coaching work. Thank you. Ya'll are the best.

Perpetual Motion Subscription Plans

Cosmic Mover

$25 /month

Perpetual Motion

$59 /month

I did my very best to reach into my aquarian values and price these subscription offerings generously in a way that allows for inclusivity and accessibility while still helping sustain my practice & life.

If you join us in Perpetual Motion you'll be getting a $140/month offering for just $59/month :)

-Two Movement Classes (Value of $50) held on Sundays at 4 pm PST.

-One 30 minute 1:1 star session (Value of $45)

-One 45 minute community Q&A session (Value of $30)

-Bi-Monthly Journal Prompts (Value of $15)


Heck yes! On Sunday, a sweet group of folks gathered virtually for "The Responsible Hope of Jupiter" to shake & shimmy & ground into the cosmic wisdom of this enormously hopeful planet. You can check out the replay below (cool screenshot of me stretching lol). A note that I'm still working out the kinks of sound on zoom (how to talk & hear music at the same time, phew--if you have hints, lmk). If you want to have louder playback of the music, the playlist from class is HERE!

Don't want to join a subscription container right now, but still want to take Cosmic Movement classes? You are welcome to sign up for those directly at a price of $20/per class :)

And, if you're not in the market for a membership, but still want to snag a reading for yourself or a pal, head on over to my website! I've got upcoming session availability during the last two weeks of October.

Lastly, THANK YOU for being on my rocket ship of a launch ride!! Sending marketing e-mails is both exciting and weird and vulnerable. If you're on this list & you've made it this far, I really can't tell you how much I appreciate you. Your feedback, your support, your love, your energy--all of it. I'm so excited to move and be moved with you.

Perpetually Yours,


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