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Feel Great Inc

Making the most of the weekend

Jonny Quirk
Jonny QuirkPublished on February 08, 2021

The weekend is a great time each week to reflect and create some balance in your life. So why run around like a crazy person getting every single thing on your list done when you could be doing a range of activities that feed the soul?

Our Top 5 Tips for Having a Great Weekend

1. Plan your weekend by making a big list of what you want to get accomplished from time with friends and family, to household chores, leisure activities, fitness and general chill time.

2. Be realistic with your time so as you achieve balance. Commit to what you can do and what you're probably not going to get done. Schedule yourself so as you give realistic time to each task and don't go over it. For instance, commit to having a power hour or two to get your household chores done, put some uplifting music on, and get moving. Once the allotted time is over then stop straightaway and go and do something more fun. You may even get a bonus workout in as part of it, killing two birds with one stone 🙌

3. Take some time to catch up with friends and family, even if just a phone call. Staying in contact with loved ones is important and if you commit to 2x10min calls per weekend with different people then you're feeding relationships that will give you good vibes.

4. Bookend the weekend with great opportunities to relax and enjoy your weekend. I love spending Friday evening relaxing with a beer or two, listening to music, and sometimes having friends over to share the experience. Sunday evening is movie time (phones in the drawer, kids in bed, and fully focussed relaxation time) - bookend your weekend with things that you look forward to!

5. A successful and enriching weekend fuels your week ahead. So get lots of rest, sleep well (an hour max beyond your usual wake-up time), do the things you love and get your life to a point where you're in control 😍

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