After a lifetime of exploration, my passion & insatiable curiosity for all things psychological & spiritual has only expanded my mind & view of what's possible in this great big Universe of ours. Over the years, I have followed wherever my curiosity has led me and now offer Reiki energy healing, hypnotherapy, acupressure point therapy, sound healing, & tarot reading through my business, Kristin Kenyon Healing.
I have come here to share what I've learned and offer insight into how you can transcend your limitations & release old patterns that have kept you stuck. I teach people how to live life most in alignment with their authentic self, the true self that existed before the world taught you who you should be... or perhaps forced you to cope with what was thrown at you in unhealthy ways. I want to share the tips & tricks I have personally used to get myself from just surviving to thriving. Join me in learning how to break through to bliss!