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Goddess Temple Cacao

Judy Machado
Toronto, ON, Canada

The world's favorite food, made from Cacao. When we bring Sacred intention and honoring to this practice of drinking Ceremonial Cacao, we connect to this Master Teacher Plant Medicine, a Higher Consciousness and support in your spiritual journey.

Develop this radical daily practice and ritual, to deepen your Spiritual journey with Sacred Cacao.

Author, Coach, and Ceremonialist, Judy Machado, became infatuated with the spiritual history and significance of Cacao and whole heartily connected to the Spirit of this heart-opening, Consciousness-raising plant medicine. Over the years, she deepened her connection with the plant and began to experience a profound relationship with the Cacao higher Consciousness, receiving messages to share with the world. Cacao has exponentially accelerated her spiritual journey and she now shares this Sacred Cacao with others to experience through daily rituals, Ceremonies, and retreats.

Satisfaction Guarantee:

Goddess Temple Cacao Guarantee: We want you to adore your new Sacred daily practice. We're so sure you're going to love it that we want you to take the first week to enjoy your first LIVE Ceremony with us, and if it is not for you, no problem. We will return your money back, no questions asked! 

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