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Getting to Clarity

Debbie Peterson
Cape Coral, FL, USA

What got me started was feeling profoundly dissatisfied in my corporate career, but perfectionism and a boatload of limiting beliefs were stressing me out. When I was able to figure out my way forward in my career and life, I knew that I was meant to pay it forward so that others could experience their way forward too. Getting to Clarity is my company but also my journey, and each time I share my story at a conference and hear "You were speaking just to me," it lights the fire to keep doing it daily.

My superpower is helping women in leadership and emerging leaders to create a roadmap to their ideal next level, or even next chapter, of their leadership & life by giving them the tools and the clarity to achieve it. And, believe me, I get it…because I was there too.

At one point in my corporate career, I was so stuck, frustrated, and miserable, feeling disconnected from everything and everyone I once loved and enjoyed. It was like living in a glass jar with a lid, I could see out of it, but I couldn't access anything. It was almost two years of feeling nothing but self-doubt and anxiety because I wasn't happy or satisfied with what appeared to others to be a great career, and I couldn't figure my way out.

….But then I discovered that I was the one who was the most in my own way. I also found that I had the tools to not only get back to feeling like my old self but to create a satisfying and successful career (and life) by my design and not by default.

Through my Clarity Process, I help people, just like you, create more success, but without losing yourself in the process!

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