Namaste Sub-Kitters! What’s om-ing on?
Let me first start by introducing myself. My name is Pita. I’ve been learning about and practicing the philosophy of yoga for over 15 years. Yoga was my gateway into the world of mindfulness, connection, and healing. Since then, I have taken the tools passed down to me from my teachers and gurus and explored intuitive ways to live, heal, and process life and of course trauma; cause who doesn’t have trauma, right? :) I have also remained a curious student of the human experience, am actively pursuing a graduate degree in psychology, curate and lead immersive yoga retreats, and practice selfless giving (sēva) on every opportunity I can.
I created my company Heart-ga, (or Yoga from the Heart) with the intention to make yoga accessible for anyone and everyone ✨ for years I’ve gone around the streets and the world (literally) .... to share yoga. And, not just the poses.. because sure, most of us can form certain shapes to some extent .. but also the message beyond the poses; compassion, love, equanimity, and so much more ✨ or what I call the yoga of the heart! Which is why I am even more excited to share this journey with you all; people like you who are changing the world in their own way!
By fusing ancient yoga wisdom and modern evidence-based psychology interventions, we will dive deep into the true medicine needed to connect our work to our hearts via the avenues of mindfulness, breath, and yoga. We will explore practices, rituals, and techniques in bi-weekly doses to create a deeper and more meaningful relationship with your work, your dharma, your heart, and eventually your life as whole!
What to expect from me:
• Theme of the month:
Each month will consist of a theme paired with a mantra or quote to focus on!
• Bi-weekly inspirations:
You will receive content from me on different yoga poses, pranayama exercise, journal prompts or other evidence-based psychology interventions to help guide your way!
• Bi-weekly 30 minutes sessions you can do from the comfort of your home office:
We will be meeting on zoom every other week on zoom to tap practice together and breathe in community!
Again, I am so excited to share with you and I’ll leave you with this:
“The only thing you need to do right now is breathe” - unknown
With Love,
Pita ♡