You’re on your way. You’re about to make some serious
progress in something which matters deeply to you when suddenly, there it is. A
nasty little inner voice telling you all the ways you’re going to fail.
The brakes slam on. You’re now parked and going
nowhere on this particular road to realizing your dreams. All because of some negative self-talk.

Nope. You can’t let it end that way. It’s time to
re-write the script and get moving again. It’s the negative self-talk that
needs to stop in its tracks, not you.
How? Try these methods for some quick and easy
Take a Reality Check
When you hear the negative thoughts, ask yourself if
this is really what the truth of the matter is. Are you ‘always’ late or just
‘sometimes’? Negative self-talk tends to exaggerate.
Soften the Blow
Try rewording something negative into something a
little more passable if you can’t figure out the positive counterpart. Even
taking the sting out of the words will help you to feel more motivated. For
example, thinking, “I cannot possibly finish on time” might become, “I will
finish this project, and even if it’s late, it will be okay because I talked to
my boss about it.”
Think Like a Friend
When you
hear negative self-talk, ask yourself if you would talk to someone else in the
same way. If not, ask yourself what you would say instead to your friend about
the same topic. Practice talking to yourself the way you would to them.
Look into the Future
Will this really matter tomorrow? Or next week? Or
next year? A lot of negative self-talk is focused so much on the here and now.
We tend to forget how little these words will matter outside of today. Brush
off the things which have no bearing on your future.
Stop the Thought
Even interrupting your negative self-talk will change
the script and force another ending to the story. With this in mind, simply
tell yourself to stop when you hear negative thoughts. Force yourself to think
about something different. If the negative thinking comes up again, tell it
quite firmly to disappear again. Keep doing this until it goes away and stays
Feeling better now? Hopefully, you’re back up and
running. The sky is the limit! Now get moving, and don’t look back.
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