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Empower Health

Patrick Callas
Vancouver, BC, Canada

I am a Naturopathic Doctor licensed in BC and who has been in practice for a decade. I practice at and am a director at Empower Health Wellness Centre. I am a clinical supervisor for the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Boucher campus (CCNM-Boucher).

I love connecting with and helping people. Every day I am thrilled to get to know my patients better and help them achieve better health. Similarly, I love working with my diverse team members at Empower Health and those in our clinic network. I am an enthusiastic lifelong learner and learning from my patients, colleagues, and my continued education as a Naturopathic Doctor. The Latin root of the word doctor, docere, is to teach, and I take it very seriously that my role is to teach my patients when they come to see me. Inherent in being a great teacher is to be a good listener, to be a good student, and to be passionate.

Psy Integrated Health Inc. wears two hats regarding its vision and mission. First, we run Empower Health, an integrated community-based wellness centre in East Vancouver. Empower Health is one of the first integrative spaces to offer integrated Ketamine Assisted Therapy (iKAT), starting in September 2021. KAT is the first and currently only legal psychedelic-assisted therapy in Canada. We have a dynamic team of Medical Doctors, Naturopathic Doctors, Psychologists, and Counsellors and a Neurotherapist, a Registered Massage Therapist, and an Osteopath. We specialize in mental-emotional health, including depression, anxiety, trauma, and PTSD. We also have an addictions expert on our team.

Second, Psy Integrated Health is also building a network of community-owned clinics that wish to provide integrative care and psychedelic-assisted therapies as they become legal. Our goal is to help develop and advise on the best therapeutic and business practices.

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