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Defeating Covid and Reoccurrence

Wednesday, July 27 at 12:00 AM GMT


How are you? Within these last 6 months, you or someone you know has contracted a deadly illness (Covid 19), or maybe you and your family are seeing more and more hospitalizations and emergency room visits. Did you know, there is a such thing as long haul Covid 19? If you have contracted Covid 19, you have lowered weakened immunity. Let, me teach you how to take care yourself and stop the trend of reoccurance. Help save lives and family members. Let's get educated and leave Dr. Google alone. Seek professional guidance. Join me June 15, 2022 at 5:00 pm central time (cst). Be there or be square.

In great health,

Date & TimeWednesday, July 27 at 12:00 AM GMT
Duration60 minutes
CapacityUp to 20 people

Individual Session


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