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Ask Dr. Melissa

Dr. Melissa Balizan
Colorado, USA

From early on in life, I knew I wanted to find a way to help others. I loved science, and I loved math, and I decided I wanted to venture into the medical field. However, I did not want to handle blood, so I thought pharmacy was the right choice, especially when I saw all the possibilities and options available when obtaining a degree in pharmacy.

I spent the first part of my career in ambulatory care and institutional care; along the way, I was always getting asked to help find solutions for better choices than just traditional medicine. My Life's Work is to empower you and give you a choice in your health. For over two decades, I have been intertwining eastern and western medicine, giving you choices and helping more than 15,000 patients take charge of their health by optimizing their medications/supplements and health.

I would love to meet you and see what choice you have for your own health.

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