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Feeling Stuck Discover Passion Potential And Purpose

Hey! Are You An Emotional Eater?

Tie Clarke
Tie ClarkePublished on July 11, 2022

Check out my tips: How To Stop Emotional Eating!

Do you find yourself eating like it's nobody's business? Eating when you are stressed, sad, happy, anxious, worried, depressed or going through a break-up? Well if you're answer is yes, then my guess is that you're part of the 75% of Americans who are classified as emotional eaters.

Who is an emotional eater? A person who eats in response to feelings rather than being hunger. Emotional eating is one of those issues that can easily shiftyour life and bring it in a bad direction. But there are some ways you can copewith it. First thing you will have to do is to make the right pick and the return oninvestment can be huge!

What are the triggers behind emotional eating?

One of the primary triggers is stress. When you deal withchronic stress, your body generate cortisol. Thiswill trigger cravings for fried, sweet, and salty foods that give you a lot ofpleasure and energy. But that’s only temporary. In the end, you will just feelguilt or shame that you succumbed to that emotion and didn’t fight it.

At the same time, social influences can also lead toemotional eating. If a person close to you is eating something that smells, taste good you will probably asked to taste it or overindulge in overeating, if you don't have self-control of disciple. This is why you need to be very strong, and you have to stay away from other people for example family, friends, co-workers, spouses that will trigger or influence you into emotional eating!

Emotional eating can also come from some simpletriggers. For example, childhood habits. In this case, you will end up eatingstuff that made you happy as a child. You need to avoid this, otherwise, youwill end up overeating, and that will certainly be an issue.

 In addition, boredom can be a problem too. If you’re bored or you just have a feeling of emptiness, emotional eating will try to fulfill that and it will end up being one of the most challenging things for you.

Lastly, repressing emotions can also make you eat withoutstopping. What this means is things like loneliness, anxiety, sadness, and fear areall triggers that will push you towards eating in order to stay happy.

What can you do to eliminate emotional eating from your life?

The best thing you can do is to find another way to manageyour emotions. Maybe you can enjoy your hobby, or you call someone to talkabout the issue. It will help a lot more than emotional eating, that’s forsure.

You can also get a stress ball if possible, this willeliminate most of your stress, and it will keep you happy as well. Even thingslike dancing, reading a book, aromatherapy, or just wrapping yourself into awarm blanket can help.

There other way to cope with your problems, taking time out for yourself, listening to music, taking a stroll of the beach, connecting with others, finding things that you love, meditation, quite time with God are just a few ways to cope with Emotional eating. Eating is not the solution for anything. It will just end up being a problem, so you do want to avoid it as much as you can. It’s not going to be easy to do, but it’s up to you to make the right choice in the long run. As long asyou do that, nothing will be able to stand in your way. Try to have morecontrol over the way you eat and understand the importance of eating. Which shouldn't be because of emotional stressors but, to fuel and nourish your body. It might seem simple at first, but emotional eating can be problematic for you in the long run.

Remember you can be intentional and purposeful even in something as simple as living a healthy lifestyle.

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Thank you,

Coach Tie 😊

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