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Littles Executive Business Consulting

Charter School Development Consulting!

Darius Little
Darius LittlePublished on July 23, 2022

One area of Our Firm's newest-added Professional Services is in the arena of intensive Charter School Strategic Development.

We have successfully been retained to assist Charter Schools in development, adhering to regulatory compliance measures, fundraising strategy, recruitment, Board Development, Staff Morale and Development - and much more.

Our Firm has Represented Clients in this sector, before The State Board of Education in successful fashion. We even helped negotiate to keep a prominent Charter School which was in The Statewide Press for bad management, open, TWICE, after all within the NC Education Circles had deemed them professionally deceased.

We are here to assist you at ANY LEVEL of Charter School Development. We are a PROVEN Industry Leader with a quickly-created track record of professional and Administrative Hearing success.

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