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Lyme Support

New Chronic Lyme Plans Are Here For You!

Christine Arseneau
Christine ArseneauPublished on May 20, 2022

Hello Health Seeker!

Are you feeling completely overwhelmed with how to manage your chronic complex condition -like Lyme disease, fatigue, pain, anxiety and/or brain fog?

You want to get to that place where symptoms are manageable, you have the energy to play with your kids, and are excited to live again… but it just seems so far away because every time your symptoms improve… they get worse again and you’re not sure if you have even made any progress?

Do you know why accountability works? When you hold yourself accountable to your health goals, you are communicating to the universe- and most importantly to yourself! -that the goal is a priority - which shifts the energy.

Did you know having an accountability partner can help you reach your goals faster and easier than doing it alone? Of course there are no guarantees when it comes to health, especially when you are dealing with a challenging complex diagnosis, however wouldn’t it feel nice to gain some clarity and feel confident about your path to navigate your condition instead of spinning your wheels, feeling STUCK and not knowing what to try next?

That’s why I have created some healing plans, with YOU in mind!

So you can become an active partner in your treatment plan instead of feeling dismissed by a healthcare provider once again. And you can work with an accountability partner who’s actually been in your shoes before…

Before I founded Lyme Support, I was struggling just to get through the day, so fatigued I couldn’t walk my dog around the block. 

After 4 years of immersing myself in healing, trying different modalities and utilizing my knowledge base as a pharmacist and health coach for the last decade or so, I fully recovered and got to a state of vibrant health - where I have the energy to hike with my dog for hours! 

Now I am excited to serve others who have had similar struggles with Lyme disease and chronic complex challenges and don’t know where to turn for healing - so they can start making shifts in their symptoms and regain their health.

So I have created NEW ongoing membership offers where I will be sharing information about topics and strategies I have found to make the biggest impact on patients and clients throughout my 14 years of experience in healthcare plus my own personal journey of having Lyme disease for 24 years. I will provide tools and resources to support true transformation and healing, with a focus on functional medicine topics. 

My Regain Your Health and Thrive group content plan will be launching soon and I would LOVE your feedback on what to include that would make the biggest impact on your healing. You can join the waitlist below and have the opportunity to give me your input on what would be most relevant and significant for you so I can craft my content around YOUR specific needs.

I am also rolling out my NEW 1:1 Health Coaching plan. In fact, you are the FIRST to hear about it! Spots for this opportunity to have 1:1 coaching sessions with me once a month are extremely limited so click HERE to sign up while spots are still available.

Having month to month content and accountability helps you avoid making costly mistakes that will keep you stuck in your healing, unsure where to turn next. 

Both plans are month to month and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Additionally, for my 1:1 offering, I offer a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you decide I am not the right accountability partner for you after our first session - you have a week to let me know. My coaching isn’t for everyone. I only work with clients who are committed to implementing changes and who are just as excited to work with me as I am to work with them. I understand that you may have spent a lot of money so far looking for the best options to cure your chronic Lyme disease - and that you may have been let down by some of the providers you have seen so I want to take all of the risk for you - because if you are committed to your healing, I KNOW I can help you.

I'm excited to announce my new functional medicine plans! I had you in mind when designing my ongoing memberships, and look forward to working together. Click below for more details on each plan:

Lyme Support Subscription Plans

Regain Your Health and Thrive - Functional Medicine Content

Join waitlist

Regain Your Health and THRIVE - 1:1 Functional Medicine Health Coaching

$249 /month

By subscribing you save + you can cancel anytime!

Feel free to email me with any questions -

If you are at a place in  your health where you are really struggling, once a month sessions may not be enough for you, and I invite you to check out my Surviving Lyme - 90 Days to Navigate Your Disease and Reclaim Your Health Program so we can do a deep dive and you can get the support you need to make the biggest impact in your healing. Click HERE to read more about it. This 3 month program is more intensive, includes more coaching sessions as well as email support when you need it most and may be a better place for you to start.

With love,


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