Greetings and Salutations, I hope you are enjoying your summer time. This time of the year always seems to fly by. I wanted to stop and share with you this month's customcandle that captures the essence of summer. I call this "Sex on the Beach" becasue it reminds me of two people passionately in love after a magical wedding. It's a custom blend with the color of Tangerine orange in Woodberry with a splash of orange andRuby Red in Lavender Sage and Rose. Wow, even now as I am gettingready to ship out this month's goodies I am blown away at how strongbut subtle this smell really is. They truly capture that scene of sitting onthe beach waiting for you to show up. Along with a few powerfulaffirmations and you got yourself a soothing relaxing fragrance all inone candle.Don't forget to tune in to this month's live broadcast of SpiritualCoaching with Ari Mac on every Thursday at 2 pm PST. And ifyou happen to miss it no worries, all of our shows can be listened toon 24/7. We have over 250 episodes available.
Love and Light
Ari Mac