Thank you for your love, support, prayers and referrals over the last 17 years!
Thank you for trusting me to help you to become the best version of yourself and live your best life over the last 17 years!
Im sharing my journey with you + a very special offer at the end! I know someone reading this will benefit from my journey........
In 2005, I was a Program Director at an Outpatient Mental Health Clinic in Maryland. I was so excited after graduating from Howard University with honors with a master degree in social work. I was married, had my home and to most people I was living the American dream. Except I wasn’t. I did what everyone told me to do; society, my parents, my family, my teachers. But not long after taking what I thought was an awesome job in the social work field, I found myself miserable, depressed and broken hearted because I was not making the impact I knew that I was destined to make. I was slowly dying inside.
Instead of helping people to transform themselves and their lives, I was simply helping people to maintain their dysfunction. I was not happy. I was settling. I felt trapped. How could I be so ungrateful when I had a great paying job in my field within walking distance from my home? I didn’t know what to do or who to turn to for help. So I suffered in silence.
Eventually, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew something had to be done or I was going to end up as a patient in my mental health clinic. So I went on a woman’s retreat and did some much needed soul-full self-care. I meditated, did yoga, ate healthy vegetarian food, spent time in nature and shared time with some beautiful like-minded women. And then I broke down. Like really broke all the way down. I found myself on my hands and knees, doing the ugly cry, praying to God for help. I begged, I pleaded, I surrendered in tears of exhaustion. And then I felt at peace.
That was until I realized I had to return to work Monday morning.
Monday morning, I was back at work doing my regular routine when my boss called me into his office. I went to meet with him and then my boss fired me. With no warning, no real reason. He was letting me go with 2 weeks’ severance pay. I was shocked.
I was beyond angry. I had never been fired from anything in my life. Ego was raging on in on in my head. But then a peaceful energy washed over me. It was my spirit. And she whispered, “Avalaura, why are you upset? This is exactly what you prayed for. So what are you going to do now?”
That was the question, I had to answer. “What do I do now?” I knew losing my job was an answered prayer. But the next steps weren’t so clear. Do I take the safe route and get another job, or do I take a faith walk and pursue my passion? Do I go after my dreams? How?
I took 6 months to do the beautifully difficult healing work that was long overdue. I was such a high-strung, overachiever, perfectionist that I never took the time to just breathe and just be. I worked with amazing teachers, counselors and life coaches learning everything I could about who I am, my purpose for being and immersed myself in the healing arts. At the end of my healing sabbatical, I opened Avalaura’s Healing Center; the embodiment of who I am and how I choose to serve the world.
This November marks 17 Years of fulfilling my passion, 17 years of freedom, 17 years of seeing into you, serving you, adding value to your life, helping you to heal, grow and shift from hole to wholeness!
In celebration of my 17 year Anniversary, Im gifting you with a DEEPLY discounted (over 50%) virtual zoom life coaching session discussing anything you need assistance with. Its $250 for the 1st 17 people! Respond back now 17 years or cash app to $Avalaura or venmo at Avalaura now to schedule your session. Feel free to share this offer. Its open to anyone who recieves this offer.
Peace, Love & Bountiful Blessings