Regardless of the size and nature of your business, generating referrals represents the easiest and most effect strategy to connect with potentially ideal clients.
Network contacts as potential referral sources offer three major benefits:
1. Objective, believable third-party endorsement
2. Confirm: Professional and technical competence
3. Reassurance that you are a good person with whom to do business
And like family and friends, they are also connected to potentially ideal clients whom you don’t know. Provided you have educated them as to who your ideal clients are and how you help these clients, your network contacts can and will make excellent referrals to you
Fish Where The Fish Are
Have you ever herd of Sutton's law?
A famous apocryphal story is that Willie Sutton, a notorious bank robber in the early
1900s was asked by a reporter why he robbed banks. According to the reporter
Sutton’s reply was "Because that's where the money is".
The quote evolved into Sutton's law, which is often invoked as a metaphor for
emphasizing the most likely solution, rather than wasting time and money
investigating every conceivable possibility.
In other words, fish where the fish are…Look for referrals where you are
most likely to find them.
To learn more about the best sources
of referrals, check out Marketing 101 for Service Professionals.
This is a new subscription plan that will help you learn what you need to know about generating more new business for your service business.
The first lesson is about sources of referrals…and you can try it for FREE!