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Healing and Health Center

Why I am in the healing field ?

Anjna Brahmbhatt
Anjna BrahmbhattPublished on September 08, 2022

As a young girl i wanted to be a Doctor and help sick people. Somehow I could not get chance to go medical field. As such I use to help any one sick in the family. Burning heart desire came in to reality at age of 50 for me. -- Yes I came to know about Reiki !!! did not know anything about it except it is for healing. My skeptical mind did not have any question or doubt. Just went to learned Reiki!!! From day one was confident about it and after 2nd level even distant healing results were so powerful that I finished my Reiki Master level in Usui Reiki in 1998. Started teaching Reiki and treating client. My students also stared treating clients with wonderful results and some of them started even teaching Reiki.I learned karuna Reiki in 2002. Went to a Reiki retreat organized by International Centre for Reiki Training in USA in 2006. Still teaching Reiki and treating clients. Wonderful journey. I am so grateful that I found Reiki. My personal definition for Reiki is one word---- Grace---- where thoughts stops and make me prayerful -- totally absorbed.

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