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Allie Andrews Coaching

Allie Andrews
Boston, MA, USA

Deeper Intimacy, Hotter Sex, More YOU

Hi, I'm Allie, Embodiment, Intimacy & Sex Coach (Somatica® trained)

I help recovering people pleasers awaken their true potential for deeply intimate and fulfilling relationships by diving deep into their erotic and emotional self.

Why? Because it's peeling back the shame and shining a loving light on our sexual and emotional needs and desires, and learning how toinspire our partner(s) to meet them, that gives us a sense of wholeness, creativity and connection that no other spiritual or growth practice can.

If you're curious to explore how this life-changing Work can help you get more of what you need and desire in your life and relationships, check out my free classes below or grab a spot on my calendar here.

I can't wait to nurture you xox,


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